This lab will help you to become familiar with using a popular fuzz testing tool called American Fuzzy Lop (AFL). Fuzz testing is, at its core, a type of automated testing. Basically what a fuzz tester does is synthesize a set of test inputs for the tested program, runs them against the program, and looks for crashes. The culprit program inputs are then reported to the user. AFL synthesizes an exhaustive set of test inputs from seed inputs provided by the user. It does this by mutating the seed input over several generations to try to look for bad inputs (if you've heard of genetic algorithms this should sound familiar). AFL will run for quite a long time (days, weeks even), depending on the program being tested and the size of inputs (think about how complexity grows with input size if mutations are achieved via bit flips).
Your goal here is to try out AFL on a test program.
First, get and build AFL in your SEED VM:
$ wget
$ tar xvzf afl-latest.tgz
$ cd afl-latest
$ make -j`nproc`
You should take a look a the quick start guide
and skim the README
they provide.
Now open up an editor and create the following program, and
save it as test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define CHAR_MAX 255
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
char buf[CHAR_MAX] = {0};
FILE * fd;
char c = 0;
if (argc != 2)
return 1;
if ((fd = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
return 1;
while ((c = (char)fgetc(fd)) != EOF)
for (int i = 0; i < CHAR_MAX; i++) {
if (buf[i] == 0 || !isprint(i))
printf("%c: ", i);
for (int j = 0; j < buf[i]; j++)
return 0;
It's pretty easy to see what this program does, and you've probably already spotted the bug, but let's ignore the fact that we know what the bug is and see if AFL can find anything by fuzzing our program. We need to use AFL compiler wrappers to instrument our code (this is not strictly necessary, and AFL can do analysis on a running binary, but it needs to do so using QEMU; I'll leave that as an exercise for you).
$ ./afl-gcc -o test test.c
We now need to provide seed tests for the program. We can make something pretty simple, and hopefully it won't take AFL long to detect something:
$ mkdir mytests
$ perl -e "print 'A'x511" > mytests/foo
$ mkdir output
We now have a seed test to provide as input, and a directory that AFL can store its outputs. Now we can go ahead and run it:
$ ./afl-fuzz -i mytests -o output -- ./test @@
This will run for quite a long time, but we don't need to wait. If you see
that AFL has detected crashes, you're good to go. Hit ctrl-c to exit. Then you
can view the test cases it generated which failed by looking at the files in
the out/
Try to run AFL on some other programs as well to get a feel for it, perhaps using one that accepts command-line arguments.
That's it! No handin for this lab. If you're interested in kernel fuzzing,
take a look at the suggested readings, and try to build your own kernel
and fuzz it with syzkaller
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